TerraCycle’s Brigades

school TerraCycle Include USA
TerraCycle is a company that makes eco-friendly products out of recycled and upcycled items.  For instance, I am on their cork brigade.  I collect corks, save them, and then send them into TerraCycle.  There they upcycle them into cork boards.  I have friends and businesses help me save, and collect the corks.  They do this with many products such as juice pouches, cookie wrappers, chip bags, candy wrappers, soda bottles and milk jugs.  Those are just a few of the items they reuse.  They always need more “brigaders”.  The brigades are a wonderful school fund-raiser.  You can also raise funds for other organizations.  For instance, I donate the funds from my cork brigade to The Nature Conservancy.   Please take a look at TerraCycle and consider being a “brigader” for them.  It’s a win-win for all involved.