Teacher, Students Make Impact on Environment

TerraCycle Computer Keyboard Brigade Include USA
Efforts of Tim Zavacki and other high school staff–and students–highlighted by company
Tim Zavacki had a lofty goal for Hillsborough High SchoolTerraCycle, an "upcycle" company that makes consumer products from pre- and post-consumer materials, was looking for computer keyboards and mice in its Erase Your E-Waste Keyboard and Mouse Brigade. Zavacki, an applied technology teacher in the district who has been collecting electronic waste for the company for a number of years, believed that his group could collect more than the company's minimum goal for the entire country. They got very close. They also won the brigade, receiving brand-new Logitech keyboards and mice that Zavacki was able to distribute throughout the school for teachers and students to use. TerraCycle featured Zavacki and Hillsborough students in a video about the brigade, which is attached to this post. Take a look to learn more about the program and what Zavacki and Hillsborough students and staff were able to accomplish. TerraCycle's Keyboard and Mouse Brigade pays schools for things like old keyboards, mice, and Web cams.