Students look to answer question about local waste

TerraCycle Include USA ZWB
This is a question the MTU Sustainability Demonstration House is asking during its The Keweenaw’s First Waste Reduction Drive, this Saturday, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Michigan Tech’s Lot 24, on Sharon Avenue in Houghton, near the Gates Tennis Center and Sherman Field.   There are five items that will be collected, to be repurposed:  
  • Foil-lined granola/energy bar wrappers
  • Plastic bottle caps and rings
  • Any plastic bag containing a recycling number
  • Alkaline batteries
  • Egg cartons (Styrofoam)
  Although these items can not be recycled curbside, that does not mean they can not be recycled or reused. The Sustainability team has found a unique recycle/reuse opportunity for these five items:  
  • Foil-lined wrappers will be given to Terra Cycle to be converted into a hard plastic for manufacturing.
  • Plastic bottle caps and rings will be sent to Preserve to be converted into kitchenware and toothbrushes.
  • Plastic bags will be properly recycled.
  • Alkaline batteries will be properly recycled.
  • Egg cartons will be given to local chicken farmers for reuse.
  “We are excited to see the amount of waste we will be saving from the landfill as a community,” the release states. “In addition to reducing landfill waste, we are happy to be educating our community on the many recycle/reuse opportunities available for our waste.”   HOW TO PARTICIPATE   1. COLLECT the following 5 items at your home or office (ensure they are clean):  
  • Styrofoam and cardboard egg cartons
  • Any foil-lined granola/energy bar wrapper
  • Plastic bottle caps and rings
  • Any plastic bag containing a recycling #
  • Batteries
  2. BRING your collected items to Fisher Hall on Saturday, June 27   WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR WASTE?  
  • Egg cartons will be given to local farmers for reuse
  • Foil-lined granola bar wrappers will be melted into a hard plastic by TerraCycle
  • Bottle caps and rings will be converted to kitchenware by Preserve
  • Batteries and plastic bags will be properly recycled