Smoker snuffs out litter

Uncategorized TerraCycle Cigarette Waste Brigade
Recycling has become pretty commonplace. Into Savannah’s yellow and black bins go bottles, cans, paper and cardboard. But cigarette butts? That’s what Emily Lyons recycles. After the 21-year-old Savannah resident learned that cigarette butts don’t decompose quickly — the filters are plastic — she quit flicking her Maverick Menthol 100s onto the roadway and starting saving them for a national recycling initiative. The program is sponsored by Terracycle, and Lyons discovered it through a website that offers other recycling programs. She saves the cigarette butts in a Folger’s can, tripled bagged and exiled to the porch to keep the odor away, and sends them off with a prepaid label when the can is full. At Terracycle, the cigarette waste is separated into the compostable parts and the plastic filters, which are recycled into items such as plastic pallets for industrial uses.