Single-use plastic and COVID-19: How to stay eco-friendly in Seattle during the pandemic

TerraCycle tom szaky Include USA
On March 25, Governor Jay Inslee signed a single-use plastic bag ban into law in Washington, calling it a "victory for our environment." The bill, which will go into effect on January 1, 2021, will not only ban the use of plastic bags in retail stores, but will also implement an 8-cent charge for other bags handed out.   While that law was being signed in the background of a pandemic that has the state locked down under stay-home orders, many shoppers at grocery stores like Safeway, Albertsons and Fred Meyer were surprised when clerks refused to bag groceries into their reusable totes, citing concerns about the transmission of COVID-19. Shoppers were given the option to either bag their own groceries in reusable bags, or use the store's paper ones.   And these grocery stores weren't the first to stop customers from using reusable items. Earlier in March, Starbucks suspended the use of reusable and personal cups in their stores for employee safety, meaning that customers were only able to purchase drinks in single-use, polyethylene-lined cups unless they were living in a city that was pioneering the company's long-awaited compostable cup.   These two instances are perhaps a sign of the rapidly changing social norms surrounding COVID-19 and growing belief that single-use plastic is a safer, more sanitary alternative to reusable, greener counterparts.   “No disposable package is today sterile, just to be explicitly clear,” said Tom Szaky, the founder and CEO of TerraCycle, in an interview with Grist about coronavirus and the zero waste movement. Szaky stated that the belief that plastic is more sanitary is primarily driven by convenience more than actual fact.   While some media outlets have been quick to make the reemergence of plastic bags a partisan issue, with one quipping that "liberals find plastic annoying," the actual evidence that plastics are safer is minimal. The only analysis into the virus's transmissibility on different surfaces is a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine which found that the virus was remained viable for up to 72 hours on plastics, 48 hours on stainless steel, 24 hours on cardboard, and just 4 hours on copper.   Environmental groups believe that the plastics industry used the crisis to further their own agendas by funding op-eds that misrepresent scientific studies and claim that reusable bags are more dangerous in viral transmission. Greenpeace released a research brief that detailed how plastic manufacturers exploited the pandemic to discredit legislation that bans single-use plastic.   "At a time when people need factual medical research to inform their decisions around protecting their families, the plastics industry has worked to exploit our fears for profits," said Greenpeace USA Plastics Research Specialist Ivy Schlegel. "For years, the plastics industry has pushed industry-funded research to try to discredit the movement to end single-use plastic pollution. And when COVID-19 began to spread, they saw it as an opportunity to strike and activate their network of pro-plastic surrogates. Now more than ever, we need independent guidance from medical professionals to inform our decisions around hygiene and shopping."   While the global environmental impacts of the pandemic won't be known until it is over, there are small silver linings -- with fewer people commuting, it is likely that there will be a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions much like what was seen in China. During their shutdown, the country saw an estimated 25% decrease in carbon emissions. Being eco-friendly might be the last thing on your mind during a global pandemic, but there are some simple things to keep in mind about minimizing waste in your own home. Keep reading and click through the gallery above for small changes you can make during the outbreak to reduce your environmental impact.  
  1. Don't flush disinfectant wipes: Not only is it every plumber's nightmare, but these wipes contain material and chemicals that will not readily degrade in natural environments.
  1. “Flushing only toilet paper helps ensure that the toilets, plumbing, sewer systems and septic systems will continue working properly to safely manage our nation’s wastewater,” the EPA said. “While EPA encourages disinfecting your environment to prevent the spread of COVID-19, never flush disinfecting wipes or other non-flushable items.”
  1. Buy toilet paper brands made with recyclable materials: Not all toilet paper is made the same, in fact, many major brands like Charmin, Kirkland Signature (Costco's in-house brand), Angel Soft, Quilted Northern do not use any recycled content in their toilet paper.
  1. So when you're stocking up, look for rolls that contain recycled materials or ones made with bamboo, a more sustainable option. Or better yet, invest in a bidet and skip the worry about wiping altogether.
  1. Opt for takeout in compostable ware: We all want to support local restaurants in this uncertain time, and takeout or delivery is the almost contact-free option to do so. But before you order, consider if the restaurant is using compostable to-go containers or ask if your food can be packaged in them. Additionally, most delivery apps will give you an option to ditch the additional plastic silverware if you don't need it.
  1. But if your takeout arrives on your doorstep in plastic containers, remember to make sure they are empty, clean and dry before recycling.
  1. 4. Be energy efficient in the house: Now is a good time to implement energy-saving practices around the house, such as switching to LED lightbulbs. Not to mention that it could help lower your utility bills.
8. Don't buy what you don't need: It seems pretty simple, but panic buying supplies, especially those needed by medical professionals such as N-95 masks, disrupts distribution and supply chains. Even if you see empty shelves at a store, resist the urge to panic buy and take only what you will actually consume.