Simple Sustainability 2020

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Simple Sustainability 2020 Marking the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, 2020 has been a big year for the environmental movement. The world is changing before our eyes, and priorities have shifted. Now more than ever, focusing on solutions that are simple to stick to puts the sustainability in, well, sustainability! Making balanced choices over and over again needs to be easy, cost-effective, and rewarding up front, especially when the health and safety of our loved ones are paramount. A father of two sons myself, I cannot overstate the power of little lifestyle changes sustained over time, and that's coming from the CEO of a company on a mission to eliminate waste. Here are a few ways TerraCycle® can help you make simple, sustainable choices this year:

Upcycling DIY projects from our team of Design Junkies

No matter your age, there are always opportunities to learn something new, and getting crafty with our upcycling Do-It-Yourself projects is a great way to teach children and grown-ups about how items we are accustomed to throwing away can serve another use. Upcycling is different than recycling because it changes the function of an item without breaking it down, such as by using an empty glass bottle as a vase or turning a cardboard box into a collection bin for TerraCycle® programs. Also known as “creative reuse,” it’s a visual, artful way to see the possibilities. Here are some easy upcycling projects you can do at home.

Keep on recycling through our National Recycling Programs

Prevent litter from entering the environment and raise funds for your favorite schools and charities through our National Recycling Programs! Just save up the products and packaging you interact with every day to ship to us for recycling with free downloadable return labels when your “creatively reused” boxes are full. These easy-to-use programs have a huge impact by putting material normally headed for landfills to good use. We can help; our tips and tricks for recycling at home include sorting advice and fun storage ideas. Stay tuned for new programs launching every month!

Recycle everything with Zero Waste Box™

Now's a great time to spring clean and look through rooms for items that no longer serve you. For the many types of products and packaging we don't currently have a free recycling program for, our comprehensive line of Zero Waste Boxes are an all-in-one way to keep these valuable items out of landfills.

Look forward to Loop

This reusable shopping system is making headlines. Live in the United States and France and coming to Toronto later this year, Loop is the new service from TerraCycle offering your favorite products in beautiful, counter-worthy containers that can be refilled again and again, changing the way the world shops. Buy trusted brands reimagined in durable packages made of engineered plastics, metal alloys, and glass conveniently delivered right to your door. Best part? We’ll pick up your empties and ship new when done.

This Earth Day and beyond, pay closer attention to where the companies you support stand on the issues that matter to you. Be it recycling, litter prevention, environmental conservation, or wildlife protection, when you align your consumption with your values, saving the planet for your family and future generations becomes the easy thing to do. My company and the world’s sustainable brands are here to empower you with the tools, resources, and products making a difference in your day-to-day lives. Keep demanding simple solutions, and you shall receive.