Scottsdale honors its employees

TerraCycle Include USA Scott
Jamie Petermann was named the 2011 recipient of the Herbert R. Drinkwater Award and Ryan Freeburg was named the recipient of the Bill Donaldson Award at the city’s annual employees’ award ceremony. The Drinkwater award, in its 13th year, goes annually to a Scottsdale city employee or employees who set an outstanding example through their volunteerism and dedication to serving others. Communications Dispatcher Petermann embodies the essence of "serving our community."  She has created, organized and managed several programs over the last few years that benefit non-profit organizations such as the Chrysalis Shelter, St. Mary's Food Bank, Scottsdale Senior Center and the city’s Vista Del Camino social services center.  “This individual embodies the essence of serving our community,” said Mayor Jim Lane in presenting the award. “She dedicates her time and effort not only to Scottsdale, but to the entire Valley and even globally.” She also is an avid supporter of Beat the Heat, a city program that aids seniors and Terracycle, which recycles material into products such as lunch and tote bags. One of her recent projects is “Make a Difference Day” a national campaign which she supports through fundraising and collection efforts.