Sandburg Elementary Turns Trash into Treasure

TerraCycle Include USA
In the famous story Rumpelstiltskin, the king's daughter spun straw into gold. Today, the TerraCycle company helps schools turn trash into treasure! TerraCycle was founded in 2006, and their goal is to divert trash from landfills, and turn it into new products. They also donate money to schools who participate. In Littleton Public Schools, Carl Sandburg Elementary turns trash into treasure every day. Principal Marj McDonald is doing wonders to save the earth and raise money for the school. "We are going to buy awesome new playground equipment to give our students more options for staying active and healthy," she explained. Since spring of 2008, Sandburg has been collecting items that include juice pouches, candy wrappers, oral care items, yogurt cups, chip bags, energy bar wrappers, and much more! TerraCycle donates $.02 for each item received. "Our big TerraCycle goal is to raise $20,000 for new playground equipment. Due to great efforts by students, parents, and staff last year, we are over halfway there. My hope is that we can reach the $20,000 mark by May 2012."