Salem's Eye-Catching Cigarette Disposal System Wins Award

Include USA Salem cigarette recycling
The cigarette disposal bins that turn heads in downtown Salem have won an innovation award. SALEM, MA – They make bar goers do a double take, and keep Salem streets a little cleaner. The city's Park Your Butts program, which aims to increase cigarette recycling, was relaunched in July 2016 with new artwork and its new slogan. The relaunch was awarded a Massachusetts Municipal Association Innovation Award in February,according to The Beacon. Dominick Pangallo, Salem's chief of staff, said the new bins were also relocated to places that might draw more use – and its been working. The MMA article noted that the new bins are roughly half-full when they're collected each week. The bins were originally put out in 2015, and fixed roughly a year later to improve use. The MMA said for every pound of cigarette waste in the bins, Terra Cycle donates $1 to Salem Main Streets.