Respect the Pouch!

TerraCycle Capri Sun (Kraft Foods) Include USA
On this edition of Recycle What?!? THE POUCH. Here’s a question I get asked all the time…Are Capri Sun packages recyclable??? For me I always thought the answer was yes, due to the commercials where they showed backpacks, laptop bags and other items made from recycled Capri Sun pouches. However, I was wrong, after some research I found that Capri Sun pouches ARE NOT recyclable! What?!?!?!!! The deceit! LOL. Okay, I won’t take it that far. So Capri Sun pouches are not recyclable in the “conventional” sense, meaning, you probably should not throw them in your recycle bins; however, Capri Sun has a pretty interesting recycle program, it’s called “Terracycle”. In short, it works by juice guzzlers sending in their empty Capri Sun pouches, the company uses the empty pouches to make new and cool items such as backpacks, etc., and then they make the items available for purchase online. In the end, not all is lost for the Capri Sun lovers, if you sign up for the “Terracycle” program you will be doing your part in keep these non-recyclable juice pouches from filling up our landfills. You can find out more information at http://brands.kraftfoods.com/caprisun/be-green-earn-green.aspx NOTE: The “Terracycle” program is geared towards schools and organizations to help them earn money, so if you do not have children, perhaps you can speak with a local school or organization and donate your empty pouches. So again Recycle What?!? Capri Suns ARE NOT recyclable in the “conventional” sense, but they ARE recyclable in the “technical” sense. So save up those pouches, send them in for your own school or organization or donate them to a school or organization.