Recycling Flip-Flops with TerraCycle & Old Navy

TerraCycle Old Navy Solo Cup Capri Sun (Kraft) Include USA
I love TerraCycle!  From turning Capri Sun and other drink pouches into purses to recycling Solo plastic cups, TerraCycle makes it fun and easy to recycle items that are normally difficult to recycle. Now TerraCycle has teamed up with Old Navy for their Flip-Flop Brigade!   Old flip-flops can be recycled and upcycled into all sorts of things, although they usually wind up in landfills.   It's super easy to donate your old flip-flops.  It doesn't matter if they're dirty, broken, or very worn -- all you have to do is stop by an Old Navy store and drop them in a box near the front of the store.  After the program is over, Old Navy will send the boxes off to TerraCycle, where they will turn them into playgrounds!  A few schools or community organizations who participate in TerraCycle Brigades will be the recipients of these upcycled playgrounds.