Recycle Valentine’s Candy Wrappers With Easy DIY Project

capri-sun TerraCycle Lunchables Include USA
Between Halloween and Valentine’s Day, Americans spend over $3.1 billion dollars on candy <http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/teachers/ns/article/0,27972,366420,00.html> . Besides having a horrifying effect on the waistline, this type of consumption sends tons of waste to the landfill in the form of discarded candy wrappers. Last Halloween <http://www.care2.com/greenliving/give-used-halloween-candy-wrappers-a-second-life.html> , I reported on a unique program created by TerraCycle to increase recycling rates of candy <http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vegan-organic-fair-trade-corn-syrup-free-candy.html>  wrappers called “The Candy Brigade.” This initiative is in full effect again now that Valentine’s Day has passed. As a fun activity for Valentine’s Day, TerraCycle and Nestlé have  designed a unique and fun DIY project <http://www.care2.com/greenliving/thinking-outside-of-the-candy-bag-a-diy-safe-fun-and-green-halloween.html>  suitable for any age. The craft  project will turn chocolate wrappers into a “love bracelet” that can be  given to friends or family as a gift! (Download the instructions here.) <http://www.terracycle.ca/31?locale=en-CA>  When you’re done with your  bracelet it can also be returned through the Chocolate Wrapper Brigade <http://www.terracycle.ca/brigades/8-Chocolate-Wrapper-Brigade-Sponsored-by-Nestl-Canada> ! Even if you’re not the crafty type <http://www.care2.com/greenliving/5-fun-eco-crafts-for-kids.html> , you can still return the wrappers free of charge to TerraCycle to be upcycled into items such as tote bags, kites, backpacks and other accessories that will be readily available at major retailers and www.TerraCycleShop.com <http://www.TerraCycleShop.com> . In addition, packaging that is not suitable for the above items can be used in industrial products such as floor tiles, plastic lumber, etc. For each wrapper returned through the program, Mars and TerraCycle will pay two cents to a charity of the your choice.Since the program started, TerraCycle’s Brigade Programs have diverted almost two billion pieces of waste from landfills with the help from almost 60,000 locations participating. Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/recycle-valentines-candy-wrappers-with-easy-diy-project.html#ixzz1E44pxmcd