Recycle electronics for Earth Day

TerraCycle Solo Cup Starburst (Mars) Include USA
To keep garbage out of landfills, you can also visit Terracycle (www.terracycle.net). This Trenton-based company works with companies and consumers to recycle certain products. Like Gazelle, it pays people to do it. For example, the site now has an offer to collect Solo disposable cups. People who collect them will get two cents per cup. You can also get three cents each for yogurt containers and $2 each for old digital cameras. The site currently has 43 such offers. Besides collecting recyclables, Terracycle also creates new products out of used packaging. It sells fencing made out of drink pouches, recycling bins made out of recycled plastic, and picture frames made from bicycle chains. The site currently sells 206 products and they all look pretty nice. The insulated cooler made from Starburst wrappers is especially eye-catching. If you want to help the Earth and a local company at the same time, give Terracycle a try.