Protect the earth, it's the only one we have

TerraCycle Include USA
The essence of Earth Day revolves around the philosophy of “sustainability.” There is only one Earth and somehow, someway, we must figure out how to make it last to sustain life. In the last several decades, there has emerged a realization that resources are not unlimited. Supply of critical resources, such as oil and rare earth metals, are already declining. The Earth’s human population continues to grow and emerging countries are increasing their demand for resources. Clean air, clean water and food could become critical. Years ago, environmentalists coined the phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally.” This is still an excellent idea to guide our actions. Americans by far use more resources per capita than any other country in the world. How can we protect the Earth? 1) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce the amount of waste you produce by bringing reusable grocery bags to the store. Bring travel mugs and reusable coffee cups and get a discount at Starbucks. Bring your own lunch in reusable containers (you’ll eat healthier and save money). Thrift shops, yard sales, clothing swaps, and hand-me-downs are great ways to save money on clothing and furniture, especially for children. Check with your local recycling company for a list of products that can be recycled. You can also learn more through www.recyclebank.com, www.terracycle.net and www.preserve.com,