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TerraCycle Clif Bar yogurt brigade Include USA drink pouch brigade
We can't stop working to turn the Earth's health around. We have to continue recycling, reducing and reusing. We have to find new ways every day to minimize our carbon footprint. There are opportunities everywhere. Take, for example, the Clif Bar you're currently munching. TerraCycle [1] is now offering 2 cents for every Clif Bar wrapper you collect (you have to sign up first), so that they can turn them into funky eco-cessories, reducing the amount of wrappers that end up in landfills each year. And they aren't stopping at Clif Bars; Nature Valley and PowerBar wrappers are accepted as well. If you don't eat energy bars but gobble up tubs of yogurt and gallons of juice, TerraCycle is collecting yogurt containers and drinkpouches. Sounds good, and easy, to me.