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TerraCycle Include USA Cigarette Recycling Program

Boy Scout Troop 317 from Bethlehem Township, Pa., spent a day serving food to homeless persons at the Safe Harbor shelter in Easton. Nineteen Scouts dished out chicken soup, hot chocolate, snacks and s’mores, according to scoutmaster Larry Finnegan, and later served up hamburgers, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner. The food was paid for by the Scouts’ parents; the troop members unloaded it, cooked it, served it and cleaned up afterward. Finnegan said the activity counted toward some of the Scouts’ community service badges or school credit, but also gave them an up-close look at people dealing with life’s hardships.   The voice of former Easton High football player Kyle Bambary, an associate producer at Easton’s Lou Reda Productions, will be heard in 160 countries as part of a National Geographic special. The 23-year-old Kutztown University graduate won a competition for the voice-acting role in a Reda film about World War II, using color archival footage. It’s expected to air worldwide later this year. Bambary said his knowledge of the project and relationships with the writer and director helped him win the part, which called for several days of recording in New York City. Another Reda editor, Bath resident Peter Blair, is doing voices for some smaller parts.  

The City of Easton isn’t throwing away cigarette butts collected in receptacles around the city, it’s recycling them. The Easton Ambassadors — the red-clad helpers who pick up litter, maintain planters, help with security and assist tourists — estimate they have collected more than half a million cigarette butts since the receptacles were placed in the downtown in 2015. Now the butts will be sent to TerraCycle, a company that converts them into shipping pallets and park benches. The city recently received a grant from Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful to purchase more receptacles, and plans to extend the recycling program to other neighborhoods.