Palmyra students hope to turn drink pouches into cash

capri-sun TerraCycle kraft foods Include USA
Fourth-graders at Pine Street Elementary School are collecting empty drink pouches for an environmental project. Teacher Tyler Frantz said the students are collecting Capri Sun and Honest Kids pouches to "up-cycle" them. "TerraCycle is a web-based program run by a company that collects consumer products and recycles them," Frantz explained. TerraCycle offers waste-collection programs to turn the collected waste into new products, such as recycled park benches or backpacks. TerraCycle operates around the world, according to the company's website www.terracycle.net. The project started at the suggestion of fourth-grader Faith Coburn's mother, he said. "My mom was reading the back of the Capri Sun box and said, 'Oh, look at that, you could raise money for your school," said 9-year-old Faith. "I think it's cool because then we can keep the pouches out of the landfill and also get money for the school."