NJ schools that Terracycled big get big bucks

TerraCycle Include USA Walmart Trash to Cash
Congrats to the East Amwell Public School in Ringoes, which just won $50,000 in a recycling contest. And Countryside Elementary in Mount Laurel, which raked in $25,000. And all for collecting a few glue bottles, toothpaste types, drink pouches and chip bags. Okay, it was more than a few. A whole lot more than a few. It was 1.6 million. Walmart and Trenton-based Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net> , a company that seeks new uses for stuff that would otherwise be discarded,  put out the call last fall, challenging schools to get involved in its "Brigade" program. Through it, schools can collect any or all of 35 different materials and ship them to Terracycle, where they're made into other products. For that, Terracycle pays the schools two cents for each item and foots the bill for the shipping.