New E-Waste Recycling Opportunities

TerraCycle Logitech Tom-Blog
As new electronics are introduced all the time, the piles of e-waste grow and grow. According to the EPA, the United States on the whole throws out over 2 million tons of e-waste a year, which equals nearly 216 million units. While the 'per-person' impact seems minimal (who throws out multiple keyboards or cell phones a year?) the total numbers speak for themselves. Plus, there must more e-waste than we think. After all, who doesn't have an old monitor or monolithic desk tower in their basement or closet? TerraCycle recently launched a Keyboard and Mice Brigade® with Logitech, which I'm pretty excited about because it opens up a whole new industry for TerraCycle and a new option for e-waste recycling. As something of a tech geek myself, I haven't failed to notice the limited recycling options myself and even what's out there is poorly utilized!