New cigarette recycling boxes in downtown Kamloops are helping keep sidewalks clean

TerraCycle Include USA Cigarette Waste Recycling Program
KAMLOOPS - Business owners and patrons of downtown Kamloops have had cleaner sidewalks over the past month thanks to a new program that recycles cigarette butts. Downtown Customer Care and Patrol team member Nathan Bymoen says they, along with support from City Hall, have partnered with a company called TerraCycle out of Vancouver to collect cigarette butts from newly installed recycling boxes in exchange for cash that goes back to the city for sustainability initiatives. "The way it works is for every three pounds of cigarette butts we recycle we get one dollar back," he says. "So it's not like we are just collecting the cigarettes and then throwing them out. We collect them, we ship them back with free shipping to TerraCycle, and they recycle them 100 per cent."