Mt. Laurel's Countryside School wins big in race to recycle

Walmart ziploc Include USA
MOUNT LAUREL — In September, students and staff at the Countryside Elementary School were anticipating a fifth place prize of $10,000 from a contest put on in conjunction with a partnership between Walmart and TerraCycle. Because of a phenominal effort, they did much, much better. On Feb. 3, Countryside found out it placed second in the contest, winning $30,000. The contest, which ended on Dec. 15, entailed a big recycling effort mostly led by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and participant and parent Kate Esaia. Esaia was heavily involved in getting the kids and faculty at Countryside School on board with the initiative, which included recycling juice pouches, candy wrappers, Ziploc bags, yogurt containers and snack bags. The recycled goods eventually will be used to create insulated lunch boxes, park benches and fencing, just to name a few.