Mountain House: Fusilli Pasta with Italian Sausage

TerraCycle Include USA Mountain House
Italian in the backcountry? Mountain House has you covered. Their new Fusilli Pasta with Italian Sausage is a hearty home-cooked meal when you need it the most. The entree consists of “spun fusilli pasta in a rustic tomato sauce made with fire-roasted veggies, garlic, basil, and Italian-style sausage”. This has become a go-to for late night dinners in the van after long days on the trail. The best part is that it has a clean ingredients list that would make your grandmother proud. Mountain House is committed to using only real ingredients. If you look at their ingredients list (which is listed clearly for each option on their website) you will never find artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Just delicious, ready-in-minutes food! One thing we’re stoked for this year is Mountain House’s partnership with TerraCycle, a company that offers free recycling for clean, empty Mountain House pouches.