Mom Hair

TerraCycle Garnier Include USA
I never said motherhood was easy, throw a third kid into the mix and things get even more interesting. My youngest is now a month old and technically, I am still on maternity leave but while on leave, I wanted to take advantage of one thing: my hair. With pregnancy and hormonal changes, your hair changes as well, and to be honest, after delivery I did nothing but throw my hair up in a messy bun — albeit cute — it gets tiresome. I needed a change and one I could control. I called my stylist and asked for ‘mom hair’. You read that correctly, except mom hair to me probably means something different to you. To me, it means easy and manageable, or better worded ‘I have two minutes before the two younger ones need food or a diaper change and the other one throws a fit about her own hair before school.’ That is mom hair.