MARFA — The Marfa High School environmental systems class would like to present their new recycling bins. With the help of Chinati Foundation, Ms. Christina Pryor (from the Marfa Recycling Center) and Mrs. Lora Loya, these classes were able to get recycled material from the Marfa Recycling Center to create these bins.
Each bin will be used to recycle certain items that will be changed periodically.
For our first recycling collection, we will be recycling Solo cups (plastic #6). All the Solo cups that will be collected will be shipped to the TerraCycle headquarters in Trenton, New Jersey. TerraCycle is a recycling company that recycles a lot of everyday used items. TerraCycle is a volunteer-based company that collects a multitude of items, mostly non-recyclable and pre/post-consumer waste, that can be refurbished into new products. Donors and cities (both urban and rural) contribute to the renewal of these items.
These bins will be located in various places, which include Marfa Robinson Cafeteria, the Marfa Junior Senior High School Office, the Marfa Elementary School Office, and Marfa City Hall. The environmental systems class will receive different points depending on the items collected. The school will get a small donation for the total points received. Thank you for the continued support, and let’s get our recycle on!