Mango Tango Dip recipe spices up Cinco de Mayo – and it’s good for the environment

TerraCycle Mission Foods Include USA
With Cinco de Mayo arriving tomorrow, what better way to celebrate this major Mexican holiday than enjoying a few delicious Mexican dishes, a Margarita and help to save the environment at the same time? TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net./> , a company that up-cycles and recycles food wrappers and other waste into bright backpacks, plant-grow kits, even mini-speakers, has partnered with Mission Foods <http://www.missionmenus.com/Default.aspx>  to collect the usually non-recyclable wrappers from tortillas, chips, and other food products and recycle them. Schools and community groups in the Shore Region can continue recycling even after Cinco de Mayo by forming a TerraCycle Brigade, which would collect packaging, send it to TerraCycle and, in turn, receive two cents per item for its charity of choice. With Mission and TerraCycle, kids and parents alike can indulge in healthy food while taking care of their environment.