Lawrence Intermediate School Unveils Student Leadership Program Designed to Help the School Become "Greener"

TerraCycle Include USA
Student teams launched a new student-led service learning campaign designed to make Lawrence Intermediate School a "greener" school by enlisting all of their peers and the staff in a school-wide recycling competition. As the students announced during Monday’s assembly, each class will be graded on the students’ recycling skills by the Leaders of the Future program members. Each classroom will earn points for putting the right materials in each of three buckets: one for paper; one for juice pouches, chip bags and water bottles; and the third for regular trash. The class that earns the most points for correctly recycling will earn an ice cream party. The competition will run through the rest of the school year with winning classes being announced on a monthly basis. In the case of a tie, each class will earn an ice cream party. This announcement generated a lot of excitement in the school cafeteria. The students also announced a partnership between the school and TerraCycle. The Trenton-based company will recycle the juice pouches and chip bags collected by the students and will donate to the school 2 cents for each pouch and bag. With 900 students in the school, that can quickly add up to some extra money, which the school hopes to use to buy new reusable plastic lunch trays rather than throwing away hundreds of Styrofoam trays every day at lunch.