Kraft Thinks Green

capri-sun TerraCycle kraft foods Include USA
Waste is a relative term. What is waste to one person is a valuable commodity to another. Waste has to be dealt with in a systematic basis. Each component needs to be analyzed for potential value. Today, Kraft Foods recycles nearly 90 percent of its global manufacturing waste. "We're looking to reduce the amount of waste we produce and find value in what we do create," says Yucknut. "That means turning waste into energy and finding partners across the supply chain that can put waste to work." In the United States, Kraft Foods partners with Sonoco (www.sonoco.com), a global provider of packaging products and services, on plant waste reduction across North America, resulting in a number of plants that operate as "zero waste to landfill". The company is taking the same approach to help consumers deal with packaging that isn't recyclable. In 2008, Kraft Foods and its Capri Sun brand started partnering with TerraCycle (www.terracycle.net), an innovative company that reuses product packaging to make new, useful products. Today, Kraft Foods is the largest sponsor of TerraCycle "brigades" -- or collection points -- with more than 30,000 locations and nearly seven million people signed up to collect waste across the United States. The program has been so successful that it's expanded internationally to the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico and Brazil, and there's more in the works.