Jersey Fresh graffiti jam set for Saturday Aug. 17

TerraCycle Include USA Jersey Fresh Jam
  The Jersey Fresh Jam — one of Trenton and New Jersey’s coolest and most earnest arts events — is set for another colorful afternoon of graffiti painting and hip-hop music on Saturday, August 17, from noon to 6 p.m. image.png The annual location is the grounds of TerraCycle on New York Avenue. Launched in 2005 and coordinated by Trenton artist Leon Rainbow, the event attracts hundreds of art lovers and street artists who within hours cover thousands of square feet of walls with color and design — such as those by the street artist RAS who created the photo-like image seen on this issue’s cover. “In the beginning, the first Jam was just for us,” says Rainbow about the free and family-welcoming event. “Then after a while it became more and more open. It’s interesting for the public to see who we are and what we do it. It’s a good thing to get together and have a good time and enjoy our culture.” jerseyfreshjam.com.