I've made my paper green. How can I do the same with my pens?

TerraCycle Upcycling Include USA
Q: Although I’m no luddite, I prefer to communicate the old fashioned way: pen and paper. Sure, I have an e-mail account (not AOL, thank you very much) and all that jazz, but when it comes to penning missives, making lists and other things that could be done on a PC, I enjoy utilizing the ancient art of writing by hand. I’ve long been using recycled content paper products — from fancy stationery to my daily journal to Post-it Notes — but never really thought about greening one rather important thing: my pens. I’ve amassed quite the collection of plastic pens of the ballpoint variety — nothing too fancy — and subsequently chuck a lot in the trash when the ink runs out. Are there any environmental stats about pen waste? And what are pen manufacturers doing to provide alternatives to landfill-clogging writing instruments?