Is Globalization Ever a Good Thing?

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
So often, you read about the negative effects of globalization - homogenizing world culture, poor treatment of workers, jobs lost, lack of cultural sensitivity in the new areas of a world a business starts up. Nasty business, and not something I'm in support of. Why then are we about to start operations in the UK, doing largely the same thing we're doing here in the US? The difference is enormous, yet the impact universal. Universally positive. Instead of just elbowing our way into a new country, presuming that a common language means a similar culture, we enlisted the help of Think London an amazing organization funded primarily by the London Development Agency , the Mayor's sustainable development agency. It's zero cost to companies wanting to start operations in London. Having a knowledgeable, agile, local partner who literally and figuratively speaks the language, knows how to ask the tough questions of us that we'll likely encounter, can help with finding the right space, partners, and even message to convey about what you're doing, has been invaluable.