I Pitched My Eco-Friendly Product on Shark Tank—Here's My Morning Routine

TerraCycle Include USA B+L
What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning? A well-rounded morning routine sets the tone for the day and gets you prepped—both mentally and physically—before diving into a packed schedule filled with emails, chores, happy hours, workouts, and more. Our series Morning Person profiles those who have mastered the art of the morning routine. Tune in every Monday morning here and on our Instagram to learn exactly how the pros get it all done before the sun comes up, from their go-to breakfasts to their a.m. workouts.   Of all my hobbies and pastimes, one of my favorites is discussing with my boyfriend which brands we'd invest in on Shark Tank. It's never just a simple "I like it" or "I wouldn't use it" but a full analysis of the target audience, how we'd market it, and in which ways we'd imagine the brand expanding. (We're a really fun pair, I know.) While I'm obviously no expert—and really have no authority to speak on this whatsoever besides the fact that I simply enjoy it—all the products I always root for have one thing in common: They're relatable. Take Blueland, for example. It replaces single-use plastic cleaning products with reusable bottles and eco-friendly soap tablets. You might have been unfamiliar with the brand (it only launched less than a year ago) until recently when its founder and CEO appeared on an episode of Shark Tank and won (!) a deal with Mr. Wonderful. Like many of us, Sarah Paiji was frustrated with the amount of plastic pollution that constantly floods our environment and wanted to create an easy way to cut back on waste. On a personal level, one of her biggest concerns was the high amount of microplastics that were found in the water she was using for her baby's formula. Amid recent reports on the rapid escalation of climate change and its scary impact on the environment, it seems that protecting our Earth has become even more top of mind for many of us as of late. States have passed legislation to replace plastic straws with paper, Greta Thunberg has taken environmental activism by storm, even our own office has recently replaced plastic utensils and cups with reusable mugs and utensils in an effort to cut back on waste. In conclusion: Blueland is completely on point. As you might expect, the company's founder is on her own personal journey to be more sustainable, and her morning routine certainly reflects that. Whether you want to be inspired by someone who runs her own company or a person with an eco-friendly morning routine, keep scrolling for all the ways Sarah is a sustainable morning person.       6:15 A.M.   Every morning, I wake up before my husband and 2-year-old son, Noah, and I head straight into the kitchen to hydrate. I have a glass of water and fix myself a cup of coffee to enjoy while taking a few quality moments for myself.     6:30 A.M.   With my coffee in hand, I sit down with my gratitude journal and write one to two things I’m thankful for before starting my day. This is an important routine for me as it’s so easy to lose sight of all the things I have to be grateful for in this hectic mom and startup life. Journaling helps me set the tone for the day and helps me channel the positive energy I need to take on the world as a mom and leader!     6:45 A.M.   Time to get ready! First things first, I wash my hands with Blueland Hand Soap and put in my contacts. Living a low-waste lifestyle and being mindful of recycling has been a personal mission of mine and is now what I’ve built my business on. Many contact-lens wearers are not very conscious of the plastic waste accumulating from daily use, but we can change that! I collect my contact cases to recycle in bulk with TerraCycle.     I get ready in our guest bathroom, as it’s right next to Noah’s room so I can keep an eye on him in his crib as I put on my makeup. I keep my makeup routine simple and quick. I swear by The Ordinary’s 100% Plant-Derived Squalane serum and Kjaer Weis’s organic mascara and blush, and I never leave the house without sunscreen!        7:30 A.M.   Back in the kitchen! This time I’m feeding Noah breakfast so we’re both ready to take on the day! Today he’s having cereal and pears. 8 A.M.   Out the door! Noah and I take a morning stroll to the farmers market at least twice a week to drop off our compost. I collect food scraps from the week in the freezer (which eliminates any risk for foul smells or bugs) and empty it at the composting station at the Union Square farmers market.     Did you know that when we send food to landfills, it can’t properly break down? Instead, it emits methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change! Composting in a large urban city might seem tricky, but there are foolproof ways to compost your food scraps such as dropping them off at your local farmers market.     8:30 A.M.   Next, Noah gets dropped off for school. I love having school drop-off duty, as it allows me to have those extra precious moments with my son and see him in his school environment with his friends. Running a startup gets to be demanding, and an unpredictable schedule comes with the job, making it more likely that I’ll miss out on the afternoon pickups for Noah.   After I drop off Noah, I head for another coffee fix, always in my reusable Byta. Most coffee spots offer a discount if you bring your own reusable cup. Pair that with saving the planet, and it’s a win-win!   The commute to the Blueland office, albeit short, provides a momentary escape since I listen to my favorite podcasts. Depending on the day or my mood, I’ll use this time to catch up on world news, listen to fellow entrepreneurs’ journeys on series, or continue to educate myself on sustainability and environmental impact initiatives. My favorite podcasts include GirlbossTown Haul, and Product Hunt.  

9 A.M.

Just got to the office! Time to build a better future with the amazing Blueland team!