Happy (EGOlogical) Halloween

TerraCycle Include USA
Costume: Try searching thrift stores to put together a costume using used clothing or props. This will reduce the amount of resources extracted and pollution created during the production and consumption of the product. Also, use recycled products such as cardboard or plastic bottles to create a neat homemade costume. You can also spread awareness with your costume by being something with an environmental theme like a Recycle Cop or a Mermaid hit by pollution. Visit Do Something to view a list of environmental Halloween Costumes. Be creative! Candy: The amount of candy received can add up and create a lot of garbage waste. Most candy wrappers cannot be thrown into your recycle bin, so they get thrown into the garbage. However, there is a company that does recycle candy wrappers called Terracycle. Terracycle works by mailing in your recyclables in a box and shipping it to them where you will receive a certain amount of credits towards purchasing Terracycle products or you can donate those credits in dollar amounts to your school or charity of choice. Terracycle pays for your shipping too so all you have to do is just collect the waste and you and the environment receives the benefits. Visit www.terracycle.net to learn more and find out how you can start recycling your candy wrappers!