Halloween Green Treats

TerraCycle Include USA
How can we enjoy treating the little ghosts, goblins and gremlins with a minimum negative environmental impact? There are two important areas to look at; the ingredients and how the candy is produced, as well as what to do with all the waste, especially all those wrappers. Here are a couple of quick ideas about the wrappers that may end up blowing down your street. One, collect the wrappers and send in to TerraCycle, who will recycle them into all manner of bags, pouches and other usable goodies with what could have otherwise ended up in the landfill. As a way to collect a few more wrappers, on Halloween evening, you can put a small recycling can on the porch so all the ghosties-on-the-go have a place to put the wrappers from the candy from the candy they couldn’t wait to get home to eat.