Greetings from the New Recycling Coordinator!

TerraCycle Include USA
Hello Green Thinking Blog readers! I am Kelly Drummond and I am the new president of Recycling Club and the recycling coordinator for the campus. I have been a member of the club for a year now and have an active interest in the environment, recycling, and sustainability. I am working towards making positive changes on this campus and I am very excited to be the new recycling coordinator. This semester I have already begun with evaluating the recycling rooms in all of the residence halls on campus. I plan to have each one contain important and easy to read recycling instructions and make sure each bin is properly labeled. Recycling Club and I have also started a Terracycle program and will be distributing collection boxes in Hasbrouck dining hall, the Student Union building, and Backstage Cafe at Parker Theatre within the next two weeks. We are thrilled to start this program because we will be collecting chip bags which are normally just thrown away. We collect the chip bags and send them off to Terracycle where they will become handbags, backpacks, binders, picture frames, and more! By collecting these bags we will both be reducing the waste produced on campus and putting that material to good use. To learn more about Terracycle please go to: www.terracycle.net to read all about it!