Global hygiene company RB, balloon company Zuru partner with TerraCycle

TerraCycle Include USA RB Zuru
Two more companies have formed partnerships with Trenton-based recycler TerraCycle. Consumers of RB products like MucinexAirborne, and Durex, and of Zuru Bunch of Balloons products, can recycle packaging for free by sending them in to TerraCycle.   Consumers will be able to recycle packaging waste from all RB brands of vitamins and supplements, upper respiratory, sexual health & well-being, as well as infant formula & child nutrition, personal care and foot care. Vitamin bottles and caps to infant formula tubs will be cleaned and melted into remoldable hard plastic to make new recycled products. “People buy millions of RB health products from brands like Enfamil and Mucinex every week, so offering free, national recyclability for the packaging is simply the right thing to do,” said RB North America Health Brands Executive Vice President Nitish Kapoor in a statement.   Through the Zuru recycling program, consumers can send in their water and party balloons, stems, and packaging waste with a prepaid shipping label to also be melted into remoldable plastic.