Garbage Moguls, the TerraCycle Reality TV Show!

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
After 3 years of pitching networks, meeting with various producers, and all of the other Hollywood headaches,TerraCycle finally has our own Reality TV Show. Garbage Moguls, which debut's on National Geographic Channel on Earth Day, April 22, at 9pm EST and 9pm PST, follows our team at TerraCycle as we take waste like Oreo Wrappers and Coca-Cola Billboards, figure out how to upcycle them into products like kites and messenger bags, and finally sell them to a major retailers like Wal-Mart and Office Max. Check out more info after the jump. Our hope with the series is to bring awareness around trash and waste in a fun and exciting way, and highlight what one can do with it. Perhaps this show may become a vehicle to take upcycling mainstream? I'd love to hear your opinion though. If you were our executive producer how would you ensure that the green movement sees the biggest impact, without hurting (and in fact growing) the ratings? And don't forget to turn on your TV or TIVO for 4/22 at 9pm EST and PST!