From Parties to Playgrounds

TerraCycle Solo Cup Include USA
That red cup from Friday night is going from the beer pong table to the playground as a result of a new initiative from Solo Cup Company. Solo Cup has joined forces with TerraCycle, Inc., an international upcycling company that takes difficult-to-recycle items and turns them into affordable, eco-friendly products. The "Solo Cup Brigade" is an initiative that takes the iconic red party cups and upcycles them into playground materials, park benches, and other outdoor furniture by converting the waste into new products of higher environmental value. "The partnership started with TerraCycle to create a recycling program for our square cups," said Kim Frankovich, vice president for sustainability for Solo Cup. "We wanted to find an avenue to actually get our cups recycled as well as create an incentive for those to do so." The idea for this project emerged when consumers asked Solo how they can go about recycling a product that most community curbside recycling programs do not accept, according to Frankovich.