Four Ways to Kick the Plastic Habit

TerraCycle Include USA
Recycling contamination occurs when otherwise well-meaning people put things into the recycling bin that can’t be recycled. Our city faced a $65,000 fine for contaminated recycling last year. One of the primary culprits is plastic bags in the bins, which can only be recycled at stores. At our office, yes, I’m that person you will see picking through the recycling bin on our floor to get out all the plastic straws (not recyclable) put in with the plastic cups (recyclable) because people either don’t know, or are not willing, to separate them. Know what goes in, what doesn’t and help educate others. Besides curbside recycling, there are two companies who can help with plastics recycling. Preserve Products has a “Gimme 5” initiative and will take back yogurt containers, plastic caps, dip containers and more — plus all their own recycled plastic products. Terracycle also offers infrastructure for community recycling programs for everything from plastic baby gear to food pouches to action figures.