Food and Fun On The Fourth

capri-sun school TerraCycle ziploc Include USA
"While school may be out for summer, the custodial staff at Crofton Woods Elementary is hard at work getting the school squeaky clean before students return. Due to budget cuts, the custodial staff saw a reduction in cleaning supplies but thanks to the efforts of Lori Lloyd, chief custodian at the school, the school is getting cleaner and greener. Lori received information a few years back from TerraCycle, a unique company that collects packaging waste and upcycles, or repurposes it, to make eco-friendly products. TerraCycle pays schools and nonprofits to collect the items they upcycle. Lori signed on to the program in 2008 initially upcycling Capri Sun drink pouches and receiving two cents per pouch from TerraCycle in return. Last year, she expanded the program and now collects chip bags, candy wrappers, Ziploc bags, Elmer's Glue bottles, butter tubs and a few additional items. The custodial staff at Crofton Meadows collects, sorts and ships the items to TerraCycle.