Floral students turn trash into treasure

capri-sun school TerraCycle Include USA
SHREWSBURY – In May 2010 a bunch of kids started collecting empty juice pouches and snack bags in an effort to clean up the planet while raising $$ for Shrewsbury public schools.  With the help of Floral Street School and an eco-friendly company called The Dumpster Divers, they have collected over 2000 pieces of trash in just over 2 months time!  This non-recyclable waste will be sent in to another eco-friendly company called Terracycle.  They collect all types of trash and reuse it to make new creative products to resell in major stores across the country.  For every piece of trash sent in to Terracycle, 2 cents is donated to the collectors specified school or charity.   Already, these ambitious kids have raised approximately $50 for Floral Street School.  Imagine how much trash we can keep out of our landfills and how much $$ can be raised for local schools and charities if this program spreads throughout Central MA.