Five Minutes with Caleb Owen Everitt, Co-Founder of LAND

TerraCycle Include USA HAOMA
As the co-founder of Austin-based design firm LANDCaleb Owen Everitt’s portfolio includes Hermes, Nike, Vans, Warbly Parker and Patagonia just to name a few. His latest client however is HAOMA, a unisex skincare brand that was just released in time for Christmas shopping.   Everitt and the rest of the team at LAND were instrumental in making sure that HAOMA was not just a cruelty-free and vegan-friendly brand, but that they were also giving back. They partnered with Trees.org – every product purchased directly plants one tree to help assist with reforestation – and Terracycle – an innovative company that breaks down hard-to-recycle items to ensure HAOMA packaging is 100% recyclable.   With a recent product launch, Everitt was eager to talk about how his team’s work ensures HAOMA will stand out in today’s crowded beauty market.      

How did LAND and the rest of the HAOMA team come up with the brand’s concept?

HAOMA was born from the idea that plants and humans share a deep symbiosis; and having faith in the idea that returning to the earth and trusting in the healing and nurturing nature of plants can heal us on a personal and global level.  

Why were having all-natural ingredients and sustainability partnerships important?

We longed to create a brand that wholly venerates nature, and it’s only right that we give back far more than we take. Working with Terracycle and Trees.org is a first step in that direction – as we grow as a brand, we plan to evolve our sustainability program, always aiming to lessen our environmental impact and hopefully inspire other brands to take similar approaches.  

What makes HAOMA stand out in the crowded beauty market?

We’re guided by a deep respect for the plants we’re working with, and we are committed to enriching the world by creating culturally rich content and events. We believe that will transcend the crowded market.  

A lot of people still aren’t familiar with CBD – do you feel like an educational component is necessary when marketing HAOMA?

People are becoming more familiar with the effects of cannabinoids, but we do find ourselves explaining that cannabidiol, the cannabinoid we are currently working with, has no psycho-active effect – unlike its better-known cousin THC. That said, we have cannabinoid receptors all throughout the epidermis, so CBD in skincare is a really effective way to access plant medicine.  

What does HAOMA mean?

We originally heard about haoma in a lecture by Terence McKenna. The plant was described in early religious texts as stimulating, healing and nourishing but the actual botanical identity has been lost in time. We were drawn to the idea of this mysterious plant and all that it encapsulates.  

What was the aesthetic you were going for with HAOMA’s packaging?

As designers, we were interested in exploring a new, more humanist version of luxury. We set out to design a system that’s rooted in the past, yet looking into the future.