Enter the "Protecting the Planet for Baby Contest" at TerraCycle

TerraCycle Sprout Include USA
Protecting the Planet for Baby Contest: TerraCycle® and Sprout® Organic Baby Food want to know why you are “Protecting the Planet for Baby.” They are looking for the most inspiring and creative reasons to grow a healthy world for a healthy baby. Tell them in Sprout’s “Protecting the Planet for Baby” essay contest for the chance to win prizes from TerraCycle and and Sprout®. How To enter?: The Protecting the Planet for Baby contest is open to all parents who are making a positive difference for the environment and for their baby. You don’t have to be enrolled in a TerraCycle Brigade® Program. Were you moved by a trip to Yellowstone and want your baby to be able to have the same experience? Do you want your baby to be able to see a polar bear in the wild? Hope he will be able to visit a rainforest? Want her to have cleaner air to breathe? We want to hear about it!