Emmorton Elementary School Students “Go Green” With School-Wide Composting and Recycling Projects; Recycling Program Earns Cash for School

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“If you were to come to our school and watch during lunchtime, you would see a typical elementary school setting: students eating their lunches, talking about everything from sports to their favorite movies” says Emmorton Elementary Principal, Dr. Peter Carpenter. “But once it’s time to finish lunch, you would see a very different dismissal procedure for our students.” Emmorton Elementary students have recently been learning how to go green by composting and recycling their trash in the school cafeteria. It all started last year, when Emmorton fourth graders got in the spirit of going green in a big way. Students from Ms. Kourtney Hamel and Ms. Jennifer Howard’s classes joined together and entered the Disney Planet Challenge and devised a plan to start composting food scraps from the cafeteria. Their project “From Lunch to a Better Planet” went so well, that the students placed first in the state of Maryland!