Educating the Next Generation of Eco-Warriors

TerraCycle Tom-Blog
The first waste I used to create a product was worm poop (which is a great organic fertilizer), and when I was desperate for an affordable way to package my fertilizer, I turned to used soda bottles and realized just how much trash was out there and how much potential there was in this trash.  My whole way of thinking has shifted. The way I viewed waste, packaging, products, consumerism everything had changed. I wanted to help people to this same realization and that was why I originally started the school recycling fundraiser aspect of TerraCycle. I’d like to avoid any clichés here about “going for it” and just pressing on by “thinking outside the box,” so instead I’m going to zero in on something else.  It is very important to teach younger generations to challenge convention and to rethink the way the view the world and how they interact with the product they purchase and consume.