Eco-Friendly Diaper Service, DYPER, Expands Composting Capabilities, Introduces Local Delivery And Pick Up Through Acquisition Of Bay Area Pioneer, Earth Baby
TerraCycle Include USA DYPER
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- DYPER, the rapidly growing eco-friendly diaper delivery service is making another stride in its mission to divert diapers from landfills with the acquisition of Earth Baby, which has led a regional diaper composting service in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2008. On the heels of a $20MM investment from global group, The Craftory, and after making headlines earlier this year with its revolutionary "compost by mail" program REDYPER, DYPER now takes this next step in its eco-promise and announces expansion via local market delivery and in house composting. In addition to its eco-friendly promise, DYPER offers a better way for diapering your baby with soft and absorbent diapers that are free of harsh chemicals, dyes or fragrance.

"DYPER was created because I knew there had to be a better way to diaper babies with the safest materials," said Sergio Radovic, CEO and Founder, DYPER. "Earth Baby has been a pioneer in the diaper composting space and by marrying our brands we are able to close the loop in the diaper supply chain by offering manufacturing, distribution and in-house composting to complete the diapering cycle in the most earth-friendly way possible."
The Earth Baby acquisition will enable customers in the San Francisco Bay Area to enjoy easy pickup and delivery of DYPER's compostable diapers, positioning the company to expand the service into more major cities in the US and ultimately evolve into a full-service eco-friendly baby products' concierge service. Founded in 2008, Earth Baby's founders, Mark Siminoff and Tony Patron, started their company as young parents who were passionate about the planet. Earth Baby was the first and only diaper composting service in the United States.
"We are thrilled to have found a kinship with Sergio and the DYPER company," said Tony Patron, co-founder of Earth Baby, "Together we can take this shared mission to the next level through REDYPER's expansion and continue to compost diapers to ensure that consumers aren't adding to the more than 20 billion diapers filling landfills in the U.S. yearly."
Mark Siminoff and Tony Patron will remain on the executive team as part of the DYPER acquisition overseeing the REDYPER program and logistics including immediate plans for local market expansion in Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada. DYPER will continue the national REDYPER program with TerraCycle to allow all US families to have the easy ability to limit their carbon footprint and have their DYPER diapers composted and eliminated from entering landfills.