Diaper delivery company Dyper will take back its nappies after use and compost them

TerraCycle Include USA DYPER
Dyper wants you to send in your poop — or more precisely, your baby’s poop. For those who subscribe to its diaper delivery service, Dyper will take back its compostable diapers once the baby’s done their business and handle the composting in its ReDyper program, a partnership with waste management company TerraCycle.  

Subscribers get ReDyper hazmat shipping boxes and labels that go to TerraCycle, which sends them to a partner industrial composting facility. While it’s not the only diaper delivery service, Dyper says its product is the first compostable diaper ever created. But it’s up to the user to make sure the diapers actually get composted and not sent to a landfill (where they won’t biodegrade) with other garbage.


subscription to Dyper — which delivers between 100 and 260 diapers a week depending on baby’s size— costs $68 per month. ReDyper will cost an additional $39 per month. The company says its diapers are made “with viscose fibers from responsibly sourced bamboo” that subscribers can self-compost at commercial facilities.


Dyper says it purchases carbon offsets on customers’ behalf from Cool Effect for each delivery. Dyper CEO Sergio Radovcic said in an email to The Verge that the company has expansion plans “to limit the further impact of shipping the diapers to and from our composting locations,” adding that “our biggest goal is to divert diapers from being tossed into the landfill.”