Delta students turn trash into cash

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The kids collect everything from candy wrappers to water bottles and send them off to be turned into products for you, and money for their school. "They're keeping all this from going into landfills," said Cindy Kelley, of the Delta Parent Teacher Organization. "We found potato chip bags and drink pouches," said Ashgen Dozier, a student. "Then we send it off and they turn it into purses and stuff." "Other fund raisers, the kids have to go and sell items and with this they already have the items," said Kelley. "This way they just have to take it to the school." Kelley says she found out about the program from the back of a juice box.  She checked it out and discovered all the kids had to do was collect trash either by picking up litter or looking into trash bins, or saving their waste. "We took a little teasing because we look in trash cans," said Kelley. "But we use gloves and do it safely." "We've raised $801," said Grant Coomer, a Delta Elementary student. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_f-ti5KUWw