Dairy Tub recycling at the Garwood Library

TerraCycle Dairy Tub Brigade Inkjet Include USA
GARWOOD — Beginning April 2, in addition to clean, empty yogurt cups and lids, the following items may be dropped off at the Garwood Public Library for recycling with Terracyle: Cream Cheese tubs and lids, Ricotta Cheese tubs and lids, Sour Cream tubs and lids, and Butter tubs and lids. Only yogurt containers that are flared at the top are acceptable. Brands with tapered tops, La Yogurt and Yoplait, are not accepted by the company. You may bring the clean, empty items to the Library any time during the Library’s business hours. Please do not place them in the book-drop. The Garwood Library also continues to collect used, empty inkjet cartridges to send to Terracycle for recycling, as well as the dairy tubs.