Dairy Alternative Company Follow Your Heart Ramps up Sustainability Efforts

TerraCycle Include USA ZWB
Vegan brand Follow Your Heart has been ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing sustainability measures, and the 49-year-old dairy alternative company is taking new measures to boost them even more. Earth Island, the facility where FYH currently produces its vegan products in, has an entire department dedicated to advancing sustainability measures.  

A Leader in the Plant-Based Industry

  A zero-waste commitment has lead FYH to become the first-ever plant-based brand to achieve the Platinum Level Zero Waste Certification by Green Business Certification Incorporated. For the past four years, the company has diverted over 98% of its waste from landfills through recycling, composting, reduction, or reusing. FYH has also recycled a total of 270 tons of material and has a garden on the grounds of their solar-powered office which yields yearly over 1,000 pounds of fresh produce for employees to enjoy. To add to this extensive green effort, FYH is now taking recycling efforts one step further by partnering with TerraCycle, a global leader that specializes in recycling materials that are traditionally difficult to recycle. TerraCycle is helping FYH to reduce employee waste by adding three new recycling boxes to all of their offices and warehouses. These new boxes are for hard-to-recycle items including office supplies, plastic packaging and food wrappers. The bins will collect this waste to repurpose it into functional items like shipping pallets, recycling bins, benches and bike racks for the office.   Beyond the internal reduction of waste at FYH facilities, the company is also making it easier for customers of the brand to reduce and recycle. They've changed the labeling of their products, in hopes that consumers opt to recycle their packaging rather than throwing it away. FYH continues to try to improve on sustainability efforts and actively engages employees to adopt greener habits by offering free electric car charging, providing “Meatless May” lunches and organizing employee volunteer events to help local non-profit organizations like Food ForwardHeal the Bay, and TreePeople.