Couple contributes 5 new trash cans and almost 20 years of service along the Pico Promenade

TerraCycle Include USA Cigarette Recycling Program
FALLBROOK – Not everyone in Fallbrook knows about the four blocks of scenic pathways that run between Elder and Fallbrook streets, just west of downtown Main Avenue. This unique stretch is named the Pico Promenade by locals as the pathway heads south from where South Pico Avenue ends at Elder Street.   Although not known to all, every foot of the Promenade is well-known to Jean Dooley, who has been picking up trash and helping to beautify the stretch for almost 20 years.   Dooley volunteered initially at the request of the Fallbrook Village Association, which was looking for volunteers to pick up trash around town. That was back in 2000.   "The first thing I asked for were trash cans," Dooley said when asked about her long time service, "as there were none in place at the time."   The trash cans were installed.   For years she, along with her previous baby sitter cleaned the paths, but after her sitter moved away in 2003, Dooley's husband Jim took her place, working with her to pick up trash and empty the trash cans.   During that time, care for the Pico Promenade was adopted by the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance, which along with Save our Forest, various Eagle Scouts and other interested citizens and students added and painted benches, installed decorative fencing, replaced plants and signage and continued to fight to eliminate graffiti. In 2014, their dog Durango joined the team.   In early March, Dooley managed the installation of five new trash cans funded through a grant received by the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance. The heavy duty trash cans are constructed of heavy steel and were ordered with a protective cover to keep rainwater out and trash in.   Dooley and her "team of two" pick up trash along the pathway, including cigarette butts and empty all the trash cans. They place the collected trash in a trash bin provided at no cost by EDCO Waste and Recycling.   The collected cigarette butts are added to those that smokers disposed of in the cigarette recycling unit located next to one of the benches, also provided by the FBA.   Once a month, Dooley packages all the collected cigarette butts in a box which she mails to Terracycle Recycling Company to be recycled into a variety of industrial products such as plastic pallets, and where the remaining tobacco is composted.   Brad Urqhart, owner of Fallbrook Fertilizer Feed and Farm Supplies that is adjacent to the Promenade, helped Dooley get the new trash cans installed.   "Mr. Urqhart accepted the delivery of the trash cans and kept them safely on his property until the installation was scheduled," Dooley said.   Jean and Jim Dooley said they felt that three of the five old trash cans that were removed may have some life in them so the cans were donated to the Fallbrook Land Conservancy which was able to collect them from the Farm Supply store. Urqhart agreed to dispose of the remaining unusable cans as part of his company's trash collection.   Jean Dooley complimented Urquart, saying, "He has been a wonderful supporter. He donates water to Save Our Forest group for the plantings along the pathway, provides the loaner cart we use when picking up trash and took care of all our needs with the installation of the new trash cans."   Although the Dooleys said they welcome any volunteer help, they are committed to the ongoing project.   "Our family, (two sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, sister-in-law and nephew) all have special T-shirts and help us with the Pico pickup when they visit during the holidays," Jean Dooley said.   FBA's next project is to raise money to install additional cigarette butt recycling units and pet waste stations. If anyone is interested in helping the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance to maintain and beautify Fallbrook's public spaces, they can visit http://www.fallbookbeautificationalliance.org. Submitted by Fallbrook Beautification Alliance.